Aurelio De Laurentiis has described the new Napoli jersey with a tricolour badge as “a symbol of Napoli renaissance' representing the start of “a new era for Napoli in the world”.
The president was introducing the new Napoli home and away kits for the coming season at a special launch event held on board the MSC World Europa cruise ship. Alongside him were SSC Napoli Style Designer Valentina De Laurentiis, MSC Crociere Managing Director Leonardo Massa and eBay Italia General Manager Alice Acciarri.

De Laurentiis began by thanking the club's new main sponsor MSC Crociere, which will appear on the front of the Napoli jersey.
“I'd like to thank Massa, [Gianluigi] Aponte and the whole MSC family. Years ago we set out on a journey that has continued to this day. MSC becoming our main sponsor is the perfect way to continue this journey which has taken Napoli into the international spotlight.
“I'd like to thank [president of Campania] Vincenzo De Luca and [mayor of Naples] Gaetano Manfredi. I believe that with their help at an institutional level, these jerseys can be the symbol of a renaissance which began with our third Scudetto.
“Today we're launching our manifesto, 'A new era from Napoli to the world'. Our love for the Napoli jersey is visceral, just as the Napoli fans' passion for the team is visceral. It's the start of a new era because we've brought the Scudetto back to Naples and in doing so attracted the attention of the world's media.
“We've chosen a coach with a distinct international mindset who can build on the excellent work done by [Luciano] Spalletti. People thought Napoli couldn't win without Diego Maradona but our healthy management model has seen us qualify for European football 15 seasons running and now claim the league title.
“Napoli hasn't just grown on the field: we've expanded our marketing platform with Tommaso Bianchini, who has broadened our horizons. Our network is exploiting our image with the help of our friend Giorgio Armani in self-producing the technical material. And on Wednesday we'll open a new official Napoli store in the city centre.
“Our club is a bridge between the team and the millions of fans spread across the continents forever showing their love for Napoli. We're happy to be the driving force behind the city's progress.

“The tricolour is a sign of freedom to show everyone that we're here too. This title triumph turned the spotlight on a club that has been at the top of the international game for years. If you think that after going bankrupt this club didn't exist anymore, you realise how far we've come.
“Garcia is a coach we have tremendous belief in. He is at the centre of our village and I will back him with all my financial and human power. Every time I talk to him, I become more convinced that I chose the right person.
“We know we'll have to rebuild because we'll need to keep motivation high so that we can stay at the highest level. It will be my task to keep that flame alive and ensure that no one feels they've done it all after winning the Scudetto.
“We're not going to make empty promises as it would be stupid. We'll need to work hard to remain competitive. And I'd like to make an appeal to the fans. I'll be with them everywhere and always. We'll try to keep growing and winning but if you stick with us in the tough times we'll be able to hold the image of Naples and Napoli high over time.”

Gaetano Manfredi, Sindaco di Napoli: "E’ partita una nuova Era di una Napoli vincente, internazionale con la sinergia di eccellenze imprenditoriali come MSC e eBay. Voglio fare una grande apprezzamento a Valentina De Laurentiis perché è una stilista di successo e una grande professionista. Vogliamo continuare ad essere vincenti come immagine napoletana, mantenendo le nostre virtù e le nostre capacità. Noi istituzioni faremo la nostra parte, perché il Comune sarà sempre al fianco del Calcio Napoli".

Valentina De Laurentiis, Style Designer della SSC Napoli: "In questi anni è stato un privilegio lavorare con il gruppo Armani. Oggi presentiamo le prime due maglie home e away, in casa e fuori casa che sono caratterizzate soprattutto dallo scudetto e dal colletto tricolore. C'è anche un omaggio alla città, con un sole che sorge dal Vesuvio come simbolo delle nostre radici"

Leonardo Massa, Managing Director di MSC Crociere: "Ringrazio la famiglia De Laurentiis, il sodalizio tra MSC e il Napoli ha radici profonde, il nostro è un progetto che parte da lontano. Vogliamo che il marchio Napoli, unitamente al quello di MSC Crociere, possa crescere nel Mondo. Quello di quest’anno è stato un grande traguardo ma in futuro vogliamo raggiungere traguardi sempre più ambizioni insieme".