Speaking after Napoli's win over Verona on Saturday, Rudi Garcia gave a positive take on his team's display.

"We showed quality and created a lot of goal-scoring chances. It's an important win, but no more than others. We try to win every game and today we managed to express ourselves more sharply," he said.

"The team did well even if we should have been more clinical. We should have scored more, because we had many more chances than we converted."

The coach continued: "In the same way, however, I want to pay a special compliment to [Alex] Meret because I believe that without him we would have conceded goals on some occasions where he proved decisive."

"We are happy but also aware that the game should have been put to bed earlier without risking anything.

"We probably also had our minds on the Champions League match in the second half – it's possible. But it's something I will struggle with because you always have to be absolutely focused.

"Otherwise, I'm satisfied with the technique shown, the intensity the boys had. Now we'll prepare the Champions League match and try to recover fully."

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