Today at the SSC Napoli Komani Training Centre the announcement for Napoli’s pre-season at Dimaro Folgarida took place. In attendance were club president Aurelio De Laurentiis, goalkeeper Alex Meret, Valentina De Laurentiis, Trentino tourism advisor Roberto Failoni, CEO of Trentino Marketing Maurizio Rossini, APT Vale di Sole president Luciano Rizzi, mayor of Dimaro Folgarida Andrea Lazzaroni and president of Trentino marketing Gianni Battaiola.

De Laurentiis began proceedings by sharing his condolences with those affected by the disaster in Emilia Romagna. He then added:
“We’ve signed a new three-year contract with Val di Sole. We received lots of offers to do tours around the world but we decided to stick with Val di Sole. This is because it’s better for the team to play their pre-season games in only two places – Dimaro Folgarida and at home in Naples. We’re very grateful to Val di Sole.

Here are some of the other highlights from the press conference:

Valentina De Laurentiis: “We’re expecting many people to attend so we’ve expanded our area of operations. There will be two Napoli shops on site and fans will get the chance to take photos of the Scudetto.”

Roberto Failoni: "We’re delighted for Napoli to be spending their 13th pre-season in Trentino. Congratulations to the club for winning the Scudetto. It’s an honour to host Napoli again.”

Maurizio Rossini: "Napoli will be in Dimaro from 14 to 25 July and it’s going to be both a fantastic and demanding time for us. There will be lots on offer for family and supporters in attendance.”

Alex Meret: “I always love going back to Val di Sole. The facilities are great and it’s wonderful to have our fans around. It’s a crucial part of our preparations.”