SSC Napoli have announced that they have signed Pasquale Mazzocchi on a permanent deal from Salernitana.


Pasquale Mazzocchi

Date of birth: 27/07/1995

Place of birth: Napoli, Italia

Age: 28

Height: 183 cm

Nationality: Italia

Position: Defender

  • Career in Serie A and Serie B
SeasonTeamLeague appearancesGoalsCoppa Italia AppearancesGoals
2017/18Parma (Serie B)18---
2018/19Perugia (Serie B)32---
2019/20Perugia (Serie B)28111
2020/21Venezia (Serie B)391--
2021/22Venezia (Serie A)18-2-
2021/22Salernitana (Serie A)15---
2022/23Salernitana (Serie A)272--
2023/24Salernitana (Serie A)18-1-

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