Matteo Politano spoke on the eve of the Champions League clash with Barcelona in the second leg of the round of 16 about what it will take for Napoli to earn a quarter-final berth after the 1-1 stalemate in the first leg.

“Barcelona are a top team. We’ll try to impose our game on them and turn in a strong performance.

“As a team, we’re expressing ourselves more like we did last year. Our strength is passing the ball around and we’ll try to showcase that tomorrow evening.

“We mustn’t make the mistake of sitting deep for Barcelona because that would make the game very difficult for us.

“We’ve studied various tactical situations and we know where we can make an impact to be effective in every in-match circumstance.

“There are so many international players in this squad with experience on the European stage, so we’re ready for this game.

“We’ll need to put in a Napoli-like performance, with a high line, defending from the front and trying to get in behind their defence.

“Matches of this importance prepare for themselves. We have huge desire to get through to the next round and we’ll give our all to achieve that.”

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