Napoli’s new era is conceived in the city of Naples, yet it aims at encompassing all continents. The club are delighted to announce that an agreement has been signed with the Unione Industriali Napoli with the aim of both institutions establishing a symbiotic relationship and achieving international growth.

The agreement, which was forged by Carlo Palmieri, Vice President of the Unione, and Tommaso Bianchini, SSC Napoli Chief Revenue Officer, was signed by club president Aurelio De Laurentiis and  his counterpart at Unione Industriali Napoli, Costanzo Jannotti Pecci. This will allow over 50 member companies to take advantage of a series of Napoli brand services and products aimed at promoting their visibility.

Through this agreement football will act as a marketing tool for the local area, promoting the industrial excellence of Naples and beyond, a sector which, like the reigning Serie A champions, strives to grow, compete and triumph.

This deal is part of the networking strategy that brings together the B2B marketing plans of both SSC Napoli and Unione Industriali Napoli. This aims to promote the development of the company and the area in which it operates, interacting and forging ties with local stakeholders, and covering areas such as culture, research, entertainment, sports, and the social fabric of the city, a city which is becoming a greater protagonist in the growth of both Campania and the south as a whole.

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