Napoli fullback Mathias Olivera spoke to Radio Kiss Kiss on Friday and expressed how much he has enjoyed his first few months in the Azzurri colours. “I’m really happy about how the team are doing and about my experience so far. I’ve learnt a lot since I arrived and I always want to improve.”

How are you adjusting to Italian football?

“The Italian league is very tactically driven. Teams look to hold on to possession. I’m at an advantage because I’m at a great club and this has made it easier for me to settle in.”

What kind of relationship do you have with Mario Rui and how is it alternating with him on the pitch?

“Mario is a great guy as well as a quality player. The fact that we play in the same position is really important for the team because we can both show what we can do and help the team.”

What advice has Spalletti given you over these first few months in Italy?

“Spalletti keeps a close eye on me. He always gives me advice and guides me so that I can integrate as well and as quickly as possible into Italian football. I’m learning a lot and I’m feeling more and more ready with each game.

“I played in the Champions League, fulfilling a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. We’re doing great things in Europe, but we always have to take it one game at a time because we need to always give our all.”

Napoli have a big match at the top of the table coming up on Sunday at the Stadio Olimpico:

“I think it will be a tough game and a very physical one because there are lots of head-to-head battles on the pitch. However, we must concentrate above all on ourselves, trying to use our mental strength to continue down the positive path we have forged so far.”

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